Information Architecture

IA is the designing, documenting, and evangelizing of the content hierarchy throughout the site. It provides a clear articulation of each section, page, and paragraph's purpose relative to the whole.


IA and Page Templates
When Clorox set out to redesign its corporate website, DigitalMedea analyzed the existing content, looking closely at the content most desired by users,  what the new corporate ambitions were, and how the content might be designed for a more flexible CMS (Content Management System).

​This diagram guided the content strategy, the UX, and the graphic design by visually indicating the intended messaging and the visual page weight.

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IA and Page Templates
When DigitalMedea began work with HP, there were 1.2 million pages of content that had sprung up over ten years. It had become an un-tended garden of weedy content. Working closely with and for the HP Global UX team and Marketing, DigitalMedea helped prune the deadwood from legacy content and lay the foundation for new, healthy content.

It was on this project that the power of blending the marketing funnel (user journey) with UX became clear.  The resulting hierarchy of content identifies what the user may want and how much of the page should be targeted to that communication. 

This architecture unifies the messaging and design efforts of Marketing, Creative, Editorial, and UX. It helps to contain the proliferation of vanity pages and keeps the content squarely focused on the user's needs and the business goals.

In effect, it creates a tidy container—a flower bed, if you will—of curated content instead of the vast, wild brambles of unstructured content. ​​